Event Details

The event with APCO aims to explore how the changing politics in the EU, especially as we approach the European elections and changeover of European Commissioners and 'top jobs' in 2024, are impacting EU-ASEAN business. Of particular focus will be the impacts on the European Green Deal, as well as the EU's geopolitical posture in a context of growing conflict and contestation around the world.


12:30 - 13:00
Networking Lunch
13:15 - 13:20
Welcome Remarks
13:20 - 13:30
Presentation on European elections and EU changeover, impacts on the European Green Deal and international commercial issues
13:30 - 14:10
Panel Discussion: The EU changeover in 2024: implications for Europe's internal and foreign policies, and what this means for EU-ASEAN business
14:10 - 14:15
Closing Remarks


  • Jens Ruebbert (Chairman at EU-ASEAN Business Council)

    Jens Ruebbert

    Chairman at EU-ASEAN Business Council

  • Jim Maher (Senior Policy Advisor at European Parliament.)

    Jim Maher

    Senior Policy Advisor at European Parliament.

  • Chris Humphrey (Executive Director of EU-ABC)

    Chris Humphrey

    Executive Director of EU-ABC

  • Thomas Taler (Senior Associate Director of APCO Worldwide - Geocommerce & Elections Taskforce)

    Thomas Taler

    Senior Associate Director of APCO Worldwide - Geocommerce & Elections Taskforce

  • Valeria Rubello (Geocommerce Europe Lead at APCO Worldwide)

    Valeria Rubello

    Geocommerce Europe Lead at APCO Worldwide


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